Vincent TO

Ecole Polytechnique, PSL University, Paris-Saclay University, Centrale Supélec, Télécom Paris

Internal Inspector-Auditor – General Inspection : Amundi Asset Management (CrĂ©dit Agricole group)

September 2023 – September 2024

  • Headquarters Internal Inspector-Auditor specialized in AI, Data & IT.
  • Participate in the various reports to the General Management of Amundi and to the Audit-Inspection business line of CrĂ©dit Agricole S.A
  • Participate in cross-functional methodology work (mapping of audit risks, review of the reference system used, quality audits carried out on the France and International scope)
  • Participate in the creation and updating of the catalog of audit guides (list of tests carried out by audit area)
  • Develop requests for automation of audit tests or cross-functional / staff work.
  • Analyze data and propose data visualization solutions in the context of production of reporting and quality monitoring
  • Participate in a mission to follow up on recommendations

IT Risk Officer – Internal Control : BNP Paribas Cardif

September 2022 – September 2023

  • IT Governance & Risk Officer at BNP Paribas Cardif within the “IT Strategy, Risk & Governance” team in charge of the EMEA (Europe Middle East & Africa) region, within the ETO (Efficiency, Technology, Operations) department.
  • Power BI dashboards design, addition of relevant KPI / KRI
  • Support the entities in defining their IT strategy and ensure that each entity reviews this IT strategy on a regular basis in alignment with the business strategy.
  • Support and control the deployment of the reference framework for IT & cyber risk management: challenge the entities on the identification of major risks and associated mitigation plans. Produce a regular major risk report.
  • Prepare the quarterly IT Risks & Cyber Committee.
  • Steering the deployment of IT Governance within the entities: ensuring that the action plans are correctly implemented and controlling their level of maturity through the control campaigns organized by the Group.
  • Follow-up of the obsolescence of critical applications and associated remediation plans.

Data Analyst : French Ministry of Justice

May 2022 – August 2022

  • General Secretariat of the French Ministry of Justice.
  • Expertise and Modernization Service (SEM). Assessment and Modernization Projects Department (DEPM). Strategy, Steering and Project Support Division (SPAP)
  • Questionnaire design & publication of surveys.
  • Carrying out results analysis (data visualization, web reporting).
  • Writing educational and summary documents (practical sheets, reports, etc.).
  • Animation of the OSMOSE exchange space.

Data Scientist – Research Project : CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research)

October 2021 – April 2022

  • Research project: “Industrial Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence” (CNRS, University of Bordeaux, University CĂ´te d’Azur and CY Cergy Paris University)
  • Development of a database that will serve as a starting point for several scientific publications.
  • Data structuring on R (data processing, pattern recognition, regular expression) collected by web scraping with Python (beautifulsoup).
  • Econometric data analysis: linear & logistic regressions, multi-factor anova, hypothesis testing.

Ambassador – Algorand Foundation

Since September 2019

  • Algorand France Ambassador since September 2019.
  • Algorand Governor since December 2021.
  • Administrator of
  • Writing articles, participating in events (Developer Bootcamps, Hack Shack), meetings (A night in Paris with Algorand) and promoting the secure and scalable blockchain Algorand for the creation of decentralized financial products and services.
  • Governance is a decentralized program which allows governors to vote on the future of Algorand. Committing Algos to governance for a three-month period allows governors to vote on measures proposed by the Foundation and earn rewards for doing so.

Student-Entrepreneur – CY Entreprendre

May 2021 – July 2021

  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation course.
  • Finalist of the Entrepreneurship Trophy, “Innovation” category.
  • Development of a solution that is both desirable, economically viable and technically feasible.
  • Development of a financing plan.
  • Realization of a business plan.
  • Production of a landing page.
  • Prototyping of an application.

Data Analyst Statistician KPI/KRI – SociĂ©tĂ© GĂ©nĂ©rale

April 2020 – June 2020

  • European Back-Offices within the Payment & Cash Management team.
  • Redesign and simplification of unit dashboards by geographic entities in Power BI, R and SAS.
  • Addition of relevant KPI / KRI indicators, support for risk reporting and management control for Cash Management.
  • Interlocutor of the managerial line as statistical expert for the management of the activity.